
Showing posts from August, 2011

Rig Veda - The Sense of Art

Sense of art of the Rig Vedic people is seen in the following hymns: 1.62.13 सनायते गोतम इन्द्र नव्यमतक्षद्ब्रह्म हरियोजनाय । सुनीथाय नः शवसान नोधाः प्रातर्मक्षू धियावसुर्जगम्यात् ॥१३॥ 1.109.1 वि ह्यख्यं मनसा वस्य इच्छन्निन्द्राग्नी ज्ञास उत वा सजातान् । नान्या युवत्प्रमतिरस्ति मह्यं स वां धियं वाजयन्तीमतक्षम् ॥१॥   1.171.2 एष व स्तोमो मरुतो नमस्वान्हृदा तष्टो मनसा धायि देवाः । उपेमा यात मनसा जुषाणा यूयं हि ष्ठा नमस इद्वृधासः ॥२॥ 2.19.8 एवा ते गृत्समदाः शूर मन्मावस्यवो न वयुनानि तक्षुः । ब्रह्मण्यन्त इन्द्र ते नवीय इषमूर्जं सुक्षितिं सुम्नमश्युः ॥८॥ 7.7.6 एते द्युम्नेभिर्विश्वमातिरन्त मन्त्रं ये वारं नर्या अतक्षन् । प्र ये विशस्तिरन्त श्रोषमाणा आ ये मे अस्य दीधयन्नृतस्य ॥६॥  7.64.4 यो वां गर्तं मनसा तक्षदेतमूर्ध्वां धीतिं कृणवद्धारयच्च । उक्षेथां मित्रावरुणा घृतेन ता राजाना सुक्षितीस्तर्पयेथाम् ॥४॥ [WIP]

Rig Veda - 1.1.1

Mandala 1 / Suktam 1/ Shloka 1 अग्निमीळे पुरोहितं यज्ञस्य देवमृत्विजम् । होतारं रत्नधातमम् ॥१॥ agnimIle purohitaM yaj~nasya devamR^itvijam | hotAraM ratnadhAtamam ||1|| agním īḷe puróhitaṃ yajñásya devám r̥tvíjam hótāraṃ ratnadhā́tamam Meaning agnim Ile - Agni, I adore The ḷ in later days changed to D, thus ई ळे --> ईडे from root इड् पुरोहितं / purohitaM is derived from the two roots पुर् (pur) and हि (hi) पुर् = door, gate, entrance, front हि = throw down, place, stand पुरोहितं = one who stands at the front/ one who guards the entrance यज्ञस्य = of yajna from यज्ञ from the root यज् from य from य् य् -> strength/ tenderness applied to action/ motion य -> firm and steady expression and application यज् -> swiftness, decisiveness, brilliance, mastery यज्ञ -> One who has mastery/ Master or God in a certain sense Again यज् - Also means to worship, adore, honor, consecrate, hallow, offer यज्ञ - Might therefore also mean  one who is worthy o...

Rig Veda - Secular Matters - 01

Secular or non-religious hymns in the Rig Veda: 1. Wedding Hymns - 10.85 2. Funeral Hymns - 10.14 to 18 3. Gambler's Lament - 10.34 4. Didactic Hymn - 10.117 5. Riddles - 1.164, 7.29 6. Frog Hymns - 8.103 7. Dialogue Hymns - 10.10 / 10.95 8. Prophesy - 2.42, 2.43 9. Protection against poisonous creature - 1.191 10. Relief against trouble created by co-wife - 10.145

Rig Veda - Tha Ratha - 02

Root: RRi becomes Stem: ra RRi -> ra + tha = goer, car, vehicle a. Made of native timber khadira, siMShapA - 3.53.19 shalmali - 10.85.20 kiMShuka b. Drawn mostly by oxen, sometimes by horses, antelopes and birds (ashvins)

Rig Veda - Tha Ratha - 01

The Rig Vedic "ratha" translated often as "vehicle" or "chariot" is not the same as the European horse-drawn chariot. It is variously described as: pRRithu - "broad" (1.123.1) bRRihat - "tall, big" (6.61.13) variShTha...vandhura - " space" (6.47.9) trivandhura - "three seated" (1.41.2; 7.71.4; etc) aShTavandhura - "eight seated" (10.53.7) The only real-life, not mythological, ratha in a race is mentioned in 10.102 and this is pulled by oxen. The Rig Veda does not make a single mention of a real-life battle with horse-drawn rathas. Source: Nicholas Kazanas