Sharada Tilaka Tantra

Sharada Tilaka Tantra/ शारदातिलकतन्त्र / শারদাতিলক তন্ত্রম্ Chapter 1 Discusses cosmogony and embryology 1. Definition of mahaH / shabda brahmaNa 2. Process of creation - bindu, nADa, shabda brahmaNa Chapter 2 1. Evolution of cosmic sound 2. mantravAda 3. Definition of a good guru and shishya Chapter 3 Rites to be performed before initiation like vAsty-yAga, site selction for maNDapa, its construction, directions on how to draw yantra etc Chpater 4 Discusses all aspects of initiation Chapter 5 1. Initiation 2. homa Chapter 6 Meditation on alphabet and its deities a. devI mAtRRikA or sarasvatI b. dhyAna of shAradA, ardhanArIshavara etc c. importance of brAhmI sAga Chapter 7 Meditation on alphabet and its deities a. bhUtalipi mantra b. lipitaru c. viyat yantra, vAyaviya yantra etc d. Rules of conduct of worshipper of Sarasvati Chapter 8 lakShmI a.5 dhyana mantras and associated rules, yantras b.Rules of conduct of worshipper of Lakshmi Chapter...