Classification of the Shaiva Canon

The Shaiva canon can be divided as follows: a. shaivasiddhAnta b. bhUta and gAruDa tantras c. vAma tantras d. bhairava tantras e. Others - pAshupatas,kapAlikas, kaulas shaivasiddhAnta - The Siddhanta belongs to the Upper current, spoken by the Upper face - There are 28 principal siddhAntAgamas and ~200 upAgamas associated with them - These texts are largely concerned with worship of sadAshiva in li~nga form - Descriptions of the temples, li~nga and iconic forms of the gods and goddesses of the siddhAnta constitute an important part of these Agamas. - Details of rituals - regular daily rites as well as occasional ones such as consecration ceremonies and festivals - initiation of the neophyte into this form of shaivism or the priesthood - primarily concerned with ritual and devote relatively little space to philosophical matters or even yoga - the philosophical standpoint of these Tantras can, broad...