5 Amazing Facts about Upanishads

In this post I will talk about 5 amazing facts about Upanishads.
The Upanishads are commonly referred to as Vedanta. They form the concluding part of the Vedas and deal purely with the philosophical aspects of Hindu tradition and shed useful light on ancient Hindu India.
Below are 5 amazing facts about Upanishads.
#1 Amazing Facts about Upanishads
The Upanishads clearly and unequivocally focus on looking inwards for answers.
They clearly state that an advanced spiritual aspirant must consider the symbolic yagyas to take place within one's mind, rather than focusing on external yagyas.
#2 Amazing Facts about Upanishads
The Upanishads for the first time clearly define the concept of Brahman and Atman.
Brahman is the Ultimate Reality and Atman is the individual self.
Picture Courtesy: hinduhumanrights
Hindus should feel proud that ancient Rishis had such lofty thoughts and realizations 3000 years ago whereas even today in the modern Muslim world Sunnis are exterminating Shias and Christians.
#3 Amazing Facts about Upanishads
The Vedic Gods such as Agni, Indra, Rudra are equated with the Supreme Reality and given a spiritual aspect.
The Hindu Rishis believed in unity and tried to bring harmonize all the different Gods. This is in complete contrast to Christianity and Islam which try to sell their Monotheistic Angry God, and woe betide to anyone to dissents!
#4 Amazing Facts about Upanishads
The Upanishads gave rose to the many different schools of Vedanta, each differing in its relation of Brahman and Atman.
#5 Amazing Facts about Upanishads
Some scholars, most notably E.J. Urwick and M.L. West, have argued that the Ancient Greek philosophy was influenced by, and borrowed some core concepts from, the Upanishads.
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ReplyDeleteWhy do you have to comment about other religon? Just talk about Upanishad and Hinduism. I dont think speaking ill of other religion is mentioned in these texts.