Annapurna Stotram in Bengali and Sanskrit
In this article, I will present Annapurna Stotram in Bengali and Sanskrit, or the Hymn to Goddess Annapurna.
It is also known as Annapurna Ashtakam. Annapurna or Annapoorna (Bengali: অন্নপূর্ণা, Devanagari: अन्नपूर्णा from Sanskrit meaning the giver of food and nourishment. Devi Annapurna is eulogized in Annada Mangal, a narrative poem in Bengali by Bharatchandra Ray. Annapurna is usually depicted as a youthful goddess having red complexion with a face round like full moon, three eyes, high breasts and four hands. Though Annapurna is a popular deity, there are few temples dedicated to her, the most prominent being the Annapurna Devi Mandir and the Kasi Viswanath Temple in Varanasi.
Annapurna Stotram in Bengali
শ্রী আন্নপুর্নস্তোত্রম্
শ্রীঅন্নপূর্ণাস্তোত্রম্ অপরনাম অন্নপূর্ণাষ্টকম্
নিত্যানন্দকরী বরাভয়করী সৌন্দর্যরত্নাকরী
নির্ধূতাখিলঘোরপাবনকরী প্রত্যক্ষমাহেশ্বরী |
প্রালেযাচলবংশপাবনকরী কাশীপুরাধীশ্বরী
ভিক্ষাম্ দেহি কৃপাবলম্বনকরী মাতাঽন্নপূর্ণেশ্বরী || ১||
নানারত্নবিচিত্রভূষণকরী হেমাম্বরাডম্বরী
মুক্তাহারবিলম্বমান বিলসত বক্ষোজকুম্ভান্তরী |
কাশ্মীরাগরুবাসিতা রুচিকরী কাশীপুরাধীশ্বরী
ভিক্ষাম্ দেহি কৃপাবলম্বনকরী মাতাঽন্নপূর্ণেশ্বরী || ২||
যোগানন্দকরী রিপুক্ষয়করী ধর্মার্থনিষ্ঠাকরী
চন্দ্রার্কানলভাসমানলহরী ত্রৈলোক্যরক্ষাকরী |
সর্বৈশ্বর্যসমস্তবাঞ্ছিতকরী কাশীপুরাধীশ্বরী
ভিক্ষাম্ দেহি কৃপাবলম্বনকরী মাতাঽন্নপূর্ণেশ্বরী || ৩||
কৈলাসাচলকন্দরালয়করী গৌরী উমা শঙ্করী
কৌমারী নিগমার্থগোচরকরী ওঙ্কারবীজাক্ষরী |
মোক্ষদ্বারকপাটপাটনকরী কাশীপুরাধীশ্বরী
ভিক্ষাম্ দেহি কৃপাবলম্বনকরী মাতাঽন্নপূর্ণেশ্বরী || ৪||
দৃশ্যাদৃশ্য বিভূতিবাহনকরী ব্রহ্মাণ্ডভাণ্ডোদরী
লীলানাটকসূত্রভেদনকরী বিজ্ঞানদীপাঙ্কুরী |
শ্রীবিশ্বেশমনঃ প্রসাদনকরী কাশীপুরাধীশ্বরী
ভিক্ষাম্ দেহি কৃপাবলম্বনকরী মাতাঽন্নপূর্ণেশ্বরী || ৫||
উর্বী সর্বজনেশ্বরী ভগবতী মাতাঽন্নপূর্ণেশ্বরী
বেণীনীলসমানকুন্তলধরী নিত্যান্নদানেশ্বরী |
সর্বানন্দকরী সদাশুভকরী কাশীপুরাধীশ্বরী
ভিক্ষাম্ দেহি কৃপাবলম্বনকরী মাতাঽন্নপূর্ণেশ্বরী || ৬||
আদিক্ষান্তসমস্তবর্ণনকরী শম্ভোস্ত্রিভাবাকরী
কাশ্মীরা ত্রিজলেশ্বরী ত্রিলহরী নিত্যাঙ্কুরা শর্বরী |
কামাকাঙ্ক্ষকরী জনোদয়করী কাশীপুরাধীশ্বরী
ভিক্ষাম্ দেহি কৃপাবলম্বনকরী মাতাঽন্নপূর্ণেশ্বরী || ৭||
দেবী সর্ববিচিত্ররত্নরচিতা দাক্ষায়ণী সুন্দরী
বামে স্বাদুপয়োধরা প্রিয়করী সৌভাগ্য মাহেশ্বরী |
ভক্তাভীষ্টকরী সদাশুভকরী কাশীপুরাধীশ্বরী
ভিক্ষাম্ দেহি কৃপাবলম্বনকরী মাতাঽন্নপূর্ণেশ্বরী || ৮||
চন্দ্রার্কানলকোটিকোটিসদৃশা চন্দ্রাংশুবিম্বাধরী
চন্দ্রার্কাগ্নিসমানকুণ্ডলধরী চন্দ্রার্কবর্ণেশ্বরী |
মালাপুস্তকপাশসাঙ্কুশধরী কাশীপুরাধীশ্বরী
ভিক্ষাম্ দেহি কৃপাবলম্বনকরী মাতাঽন্নপূর্ণেশ্বরী || ৯||
ক্ষত্রত্রাণকরী মহাঽভয়করী মাতা কৃপাসাগরী
সাক্ষান্মোক্ষকরী সদা শিবকরী বিশ্বেশ্বরী শ্রীধরী |
দক্ষাক্রন্দকরী নিরাময়করী কাশীপুরাধীশ্বরী
ভিক্ষাম্ দেহি কৃপাবলম্বনকরী মাতাঽন্নপূর্ণেশ্বরী || ১০||
অন্নপূর্ণে সদাপূর্ণে শঙ্করপ্রাণবল্লভে |
জ্ঞানবৈরাগ্যসিদ্ধ্যর্থম্ ভিক্ষাম্ দেহি চ পার্বতি || ১১||
মাতা মে পার্বতী দেবী পিতা দেবো মহেশ্বরঃ |
বান্ধবাঃ শিবভক্তাশ্চ স্বদেশো ভুবনত্রয়ম্ || ১২||
|| ইতি শ্রীশঙ্করভগবতঃ কৃতৌ অন্নপূর্ণাস্তোত্রম্ সম্পূর্ণম্ ||

Annapurna Stotram in Sanskrit
श्री आन्नपुर्नस्तोत्रम्
श्रीअन्नपूर्णास्तोत्रम् अपरनाम अन्नपूर्णाष्टकम्
नित्यानन्दकरी वराभयकरी सौन्दर्यरत्नाकरी
निर्धूताखिलघोरपावनकरी प्रत्यक्षमाहेश्वरी ।
प्रालेयाचलवंशपावनकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी
भिक्षां देहि कृपावलम्बनकरी माताऽन्नपूर्णेश्वरी ॥ १॥
नानारत्नविचित्रभूषणकरी हेमाम्बराडम्बरी
मुक्ताहारविलम्बमान विलसत् वक्षोजकुम्भान्तरी ।
काश्मीरागरुवासिता रुचिकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी
भिक्षां देहि कृपावलम्बनकरी माताऽन्नपूर्णेश्वरी ॥ २॥
योगानन्दकरी रिपुक्षयकरी धर्मार्थनिष्ठाकरी
चन्द्रार्कानलभासमानलहरी त्रैलोक्यरक्षाकरी ।
सर्वैश्वर्यसमस्तवाञ्छितकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी
भिक्षां देहि कृपावलम्बनकरी माताऽन्नपूर्णेश्वरी ॥ ३॥
कैलासाचलकन्दरालयकरी गौरी उमा शङ्करी
कौमारी निगमार्थगोचरकरी ओङ्कारबीजाक्षरी ।
मोक्षद्वारकपाटपाटनकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी
भिक्षां देहि कृपावलम्बनकरी माताऽन्नपूर्णेश्वरी ॥ ४॥
दृश्यादृश्य विभूतिवाहनकरी ब्रह्माण्डभाण्डोदरी
लीलानाटकसूत्रभेदनकरी विज्ञानदीपाङ्कुरी ।
श्रीविश्वेशमनः प्रसादनकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी
भिक्षां देहि कृपावलम्बनकरी माताऽन्नपूर्णेश्वरी ॥ ५॥
उर्वी सर्वजनेश्वरी भगवती माताऽन्नपूर्णेश्वरी
वेणीनीलसमानकुन्तलधरी नित्यान्नदानेश्वरी ।
सर्वानन्दकरी सदाशुभकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी
भिक्षां देहि कृपावलम्बनकरी माताऽन्नपूर्णेश्वरी ॥ ६॥
आदिक्षान्तसमस्तवर्णनकरी शम्भोस्त्रिभावाकरी
काश्मीरा त्रिजलेश्वरी त्रिलहरी नित्याङ्कुरा शर्वरी ।
कामाकाङ्क्षकरी जनोदयकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी
भिक्षां देहि कृपावलम्बनकरी माताऽन्नपूर्णेश्वरी ॥ ७॥
देवी सर्वविचित्ररत्नरचिता दाक्षायणी सुन्दरी
वामे स्वादुपयोधरा प्रियकरी सौभाग्य माहेश्वरी ।
भक्ताभीष्टकरी सदाशुभकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी
भिक्षां देहि कृपावलम्बनकरी माताऽन्नपूर्णेश्वरी ॥ ८॥
चन्द्रार्कानलकोटिकोटिसदृशा चन्द्रांशुबिम्बाधरी
चन्द्रार्काग्निसमानकुण्डलधरी चन्द्रार्कवर्णेश्वरी ।
मालापुस्तकपाशसाङ्कुशधरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी
भिक्षां देहि कृपावलम्बनकरी माताऽन्नपूर्णेश्वरी ॥ ९॥
क्षत्रत्राणकरी महाऽभयकरी माता कृपासागरी
साक्षान्मोक्षकरी सदा शिवकरी विश्वेश्वरी श्रीधरी ।
दक्षाक्रन्दकरी निरामयकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी
भिक्षां देहि कृपावलम्बनकरी माताऽन्नपूर्णेश्वरी ॥ १०॥
अन्नपूर्णे सदापूर्णे शङ्करप्राणवल्लभे ।
ज्ञानवैराग्यसिद्ध्यर्थं भिक्षां देहि च पार्वति ॥ ११॥
माता मे पार्वती देवी पिता देवो महेश्वरः ।
बान्धवाः शिवभक्ताश्च स्वदेशो भुवनत्रयम् ॥ १२॥
॥ इति श्रीशङ्करभगवतः कृतौ अन्नपूर्णास्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् ॥
Annapurna Stotram Transliteration
ShrI Annapurnastotram
shrIannapUrNAstotram aparanAma annapUrNAShTakam
nityAnandakarI varAbhayakarI saundaryaratnAkarI
nirdhUtAkhilaghorapAvanakarI pratyakShamAheshvarI |
prAleyAchalava.nshapAvanakarI kAshIpurAdhIshvarI
bhikShAM dehi kR^ipAvalambanakarI mAtA.annapUrNeshvarI || 1||
nAnAratnavichitrabhUShaNakarI hemAmbarADambarI
muktAhAravilambamAna vilasat vakShojakumbhAntarI |
kAshmIrAgaruvAsitA ruchikarI kAshIpurAdhIshvarI
bhikShAM dehi kR^ipAvalambanakarI mAtA.annapUrNeshvarI || 2||
yogAnandakarI ripukShayakarI dharmArthaniShThAkarI
chandrArkAnalabhAsamAnalaharI trailokyarakShAkarI |
sarvaishvaryasamastavA~nChitakarI kAshIpurAdhIshvarI
bhikShAM dehi kR^ipAvalambanakarI mAtA.annapUrNeshvarI || 3||
kailAsAchalakandarAlayakarI gaurI umA sha~NkarI
kaumArI nigamArthagocharakarI o~NkArabIjAkSharI |
mokShadvArakapATapATanakarI kAshIpurAdhIshvarI
bhikShAM dehi kR^ipAvalambanakarI mAtA.annapUrNeshvarI || 4||
dR^ishyAdR^ishya vibhUtivAhanakarI brahmANDabhANDodarI
lIlAnATakasUtrabhedanakarI vij~nAnadIpA~NkurI |
shrIvishveshamanaH prasAdanakarI kAshIpurAdhIshvarI
bhikShAM dehi kR^ipAvalambanakarI mAtA.annapUrNeshvarI || 5||
urvI sarvajaneshvarI bhagavatI mAtA.annapUrNeshvarI
veNInIlasamAnakuntaladharI nityAnnadAneshvarI |
sarvAnandakarI sadAshubhakarI kAshIpurAdhIshvarI
bhikShAM dehi kR^ipAvalambanakarI mAtA.annapUrNeshvarI || 6||
AdikShAntasamastavarNanakarI shambhostribhAvAkarI
kAshmIrA trijaleshvarI trilaharI nityA~NkurA sharvarI |
kAmAkA~NkShakarI janodayakarI kAshIpurAdhIshvarI
bhikShAM dehi kR^ipAvalambanakarI mAtA.annapUrNeshvarI || 7||
devI sarvavichitraratnarachitA dAkShAyaNI sundarI
vAme svAdupayodharA priyakarI saubhAgya mAheshvarI |
bhaktAbhIShTakarI sadAshubhakarI kAshIpurAdhIshvarI
bhikShAM dehi kR^ipAvalambanakarI mAtA.annapUrNeshvarI || 8||
chandrArkAnalakoTikoTisadR^ishA chandrA.nshubimbAdharI
chandrArkAgnisamAnakuNDaladharI chandrArkavarNeshvarI |
mAlApustakapAshasA~NkushadharI kAshIpurAdhIshvarI
bhikShAM dehi kR^ipAvalambanakarI mAtA.annapUrNeshvarI || 9||
kShatratrANakarI mahA.abhayakarI mAtA kR^ipAsAgarI
sAkShAnmokShakarI sadA shivakarI vishveshvarI shrIdharI |
dakShAkrandakarI nirAmayakarI kAshIpurAdhIshvarI
bhikShAM dehi kR^ipAvalambanakarI mAtA.annapUrNeshvarI || 10||
annapUrNe sadApUrNe sha~NkaraprANavallabhe |
j~nAnavairAgyasiddhyarthaM bhikShAM dehi cha pArvati || 11||
mAtA me pArvatI devI pitA devo maheshvaraH |
bAndhavAH shivabhaktAshcha svadesho bhuvanatrayam || 12||
|| iti shrIsha~NkarabhagavataH kR^itau annapUrNAstotraM sampUrNam ||
Translation of Annapura Stotram by Greenmsg
(Salutations to Mother Annapurna) Who always give Joy to Her Devotees, along with Boons and assurance of Fearlessness (under Her Motherly care); Who is a repository of great Beauty and makes their minds beautiful by the touch of the Gem of Her (inner) Beauty,
Who Purifies all the Poisons and Sufferings of their minds (by the touch of Her Compassion and Bliss), and Who is the Great Goddess manifested visibly in Kashi,
Who Sanctified the Lineage of the King of the Mountain of Himalayas (by taking birth as Devi Parvati); Who is the Ruling Mother of the city of Kasi,
O Mother Annapurneswari, Please grant us the Alms of Your Grace; Your Grace which Support all the Worlds.
(Salutations to Mother Annapurna) Who is adorned with many Gems shining with various Colours, and with Garments striking with the shine of Gold (i.e. Golden Laced),
Who is decorated with a Garland of Pearls which is Hanging down and Shining within the middle of Her Bosom,
Whose Beautiful Body is Fragrant with Saffron and Agaru (Agarwood); Who is the Ruling Mother of the city of Kasi,
O Mother Annapurneswari, Please grant us the Alms of Your Grace; Your Grace which Support all the Worlds.
(Salutations to Mother Annapurna) Who gives the Bliss of communion with God through Yoga, and Who destroys the attachment to the Senses (which are the enemies of Yogic communion); Who makes us devoted to Dharma and righteous effort to earn wealth (as a worship of God),
Who is like a great Wave shining with the Divine Energies of Moon, Sun and Fire which Protects the Three Worlds,
Who gives all Prosperity and fulfills all Wishes of the Devotees; Who is the Ruling Mother of the city of Kasi,
O Mother Annapurneswari, Please grant us the Alms of Your Grace; Your Grace which Support all the Worlds.
(Salutations to Mother Annapurna) Who has made the Caves of Mount Kailasa Her Abode, and is known by various names like Gauri, Uma, Shankari, ...
... and Kaumari; Who makes the deepest meaning of Nigamas (Vedas or Sacred Scriptures) perceptible in Her Divine Form which vibrates with the Seed Syllable Omkara,
Who opens the Gate of Moksha (Liberation) within our (Spiritual) Heart by Her Grace; Who is the Ruling Mother of the city of Kasi,
O Mother Annapurneswari, Please grant us the Alms of Your Grace; Your Grace which Support all the Worlds.
(Salutations to Mother Annapurna) Who bears within Her many Visible and Invisible Divine Attributes, and holds the whole Universe within Her,
Who (by Her special Grace) discloses the (Divine) Source of this Divine Play of Creation, thereby sprouting the Flame of the Lamp of (Divine) Knowledge within us,
Who makes the Meditative Mind (i.e. Meditative Absorption) of Sri Visweswara Gracious, i.e. make it flow down as Divine Grace to the World; Who is the Ruling Mother of the city of Kasi,
O Mother Annapurneswari, Please grant us the Alms of Your Grace; Your Grace which Support all the Worlds.
(Salutations to Mother Annapurna) Who is Mother Earth Herself and the Goddess of everyone, Whom the Devotees call as Bhagavati Mata Annapurneswari,
Whose Dark Braids of Hair flow down like the Waves of Her Grace; Who (being Mother Earth Herself) is always devoted to bestowing Food to Her Children,
Who brings all Joys to the Devotees and Her presence always bring Good Fortunes in their lives; Who is the Ruling Mother of the city of Kasi,
O Mother Annapurneswari, Please grant us the Alms of Your Grace; Your Grace which Support all the Worlds.
(Salutations to Mother Annapurna) Who is studded with Gems of all Colours, and Who was the Beautiful Daughter of King Daksha,
Who holds a bowl of Sweet Milk (signifying Food) on Her Left which She endearingly distributes to Her Childen; Who is the Great Goddess Who brings Good Fortune to Her Devotees,
Who fulfills the Desires of the Devotees and always brings Good Blessings to them; Who is the Ruling Mother of the city of Kasi,
O Mother Annapurneswari, Please grant us the Alms of Your Grace; Your Grace which Support all the Worlds.
(Salutations to Mother Annapurna) Whose Divine Splendour is like Millions and Millions of Moons, Suns and Fire; Whose Face shines like the Moon, radiating the Cool Rays of Compassion, which is also reflected on Her Red Lips resembling the Bimba Fruit,
(Similarly) Whose Locks of Hair Shine with the Splendour of the Moon, Sun and the Fire; and Who, the great Goddess, also has the Complexion radiating the Splendour of the Moon and the Sun,
Who holds a Rosary (signifying Repetition of God's name), Book (signifying Divine Knowledge), Noose (signifying Divine Attraction) and Hook (signifying Divine Goading) in Her four Hands; Who is the Ruling Mother of the city of Kasi,
O Mother Annapurneswari, Please grant us the Alms of Your Grace; Your Grace which Support all the Worlds.
(Salutations to Mother Annapurna) Whose Great Power Protects the Devotees and grants them Great Fearlessness; Who is the Great Mother and an Ocean of Compassion,
Whose Divine Form is a Visible bestower of Liberation and Whose presence always brings Auspicious blessings; Who is indeed the repository of the Sri (Prosperity, Welfare and Auspiciousness) of Visweswara (Shiva),
Who makes Daksha (symbol of ego) Cry and in that repentence makes him Pure; Who is the Ruling Mother of the city of Kasi,
O Mother Annapurneswari, Please grant us the Alms of Your Grace; Your Grace which Support all the Worlds.
(Salutations to Mother Annapurna) O Mother Annapurna, You Who are always Full (with the gift of Food and Blessings), You Who are the Beloved of Shankara, ...
O Mother Parvati, Please grant me the Alms of Your Grace, to awaken within me Spiritual Knowledge and Freedom from all Worldly Desires.
(Salutations to Mother Annapurna) My Mother is Devi Parvati, and my Father is Deva Maheswara (Shiva),
My Friends are the devotees of Shiva, and my Country is all the Three Worlds (Whose Lord is Shiva-Parvati).
Translation of Annapura Stotram by Call_Anna
Hey , Mother Annapurneswari,
Who is The Goddess of Kasi,
Who helps others with kindness,
Who makes all days deliriously happy,
Who gives boons and shelter to all,
Who is the epitome of all beauty,
Who cleans up all sorrows from life,
Who is the ever-visible Goddess of the world,
Who is the star of the family of Himavan,
Please give me alms,
Ocean of kindness and compassion.
Hey , Mother Annapurneswari,
Who is The Goddess of Kasi,
Who is adorned with jewels of variety,
Who is dressed in golden silk,
Who has a beautiful chest,
Adorned with golden chains full of gems,
Who is the epitome of all beauty,
Please give me alms,
Ocean of kindness and compassion..
Hey , Mother Annapurneswari,
Who is The Goddess of Kasi,
Who gives bliss through Yoga,
Who destroys enemies,
Who makes dharma and wealth permanent,
Who shines like moon , sun and fire,
Who takes care of all the three worlds,
Who gives all the wealth,
Who fulfills all wishes,
Please give me alms,
Ocean of kindness and compassion..
Hey , Mother Annapurneswari,
Who is The Goddess of Kasi,
Who lives in a cave in Mount Kailasa,
Who is also called Gauri, Uma and Sankari,
Who is an ever-blissful maiden,
Who is known only through meaning of Vedas,
Who is personification of “OM”,
Who opens the gates of Moksha,
Please give me alms,
Ocean of kindness and compassion..
Hey , Mother Annapurneswari,
Who is The Goddess of Kasi,
Who is the vehicle of the seen and unseen ,
Who is carrying the universes inside her,
Who cuts of attachment to this world,
Who is the beacon of light for all science,
Who makes the Lord of Universe happy,
Please give me alms,
Ocean of kindness and compassion..
Hey , Mother Annapurneswari,
Who is The Goddess of Kasi,
Who is the Goddess of earth and its beings,
Who is the knowledge, wealth and valour of the world,
Who is the ocean of compassion,
Who has lustrous blue hair,
Who gives happiness to all,
Who is personification of happiness,
Please give me alms,
Ocean of kindness and compassion..
Hey , Mother Annapurneswari,
Who is The Goddess of Kasi,
Who is described by all alphabets,
Who gives Shambhu the three powers,
Who is Kashmira the Goddess of three cities,
Who is the intoxicant in three forms,
Who gives rise to daily existence,
Who is the enemy of all sorrows,
Who fulfills the desire of every one,
Who is dawn in life of all,
Please give me alms,
Ocean of kindness and compassion..
Hey , Mother Annapurneswari,
Who is The Goddess of Kasi,
Who is adorned with all precious gems,
Who is the daughter of Daksha,
Who is the epitome of beauty,
Who feeds all the world her milk of song and writing,
Who is the Goddess of all ,
Who is the fortune of all,
Who fulfills the wishes of devotees,
Who always does good,
Please give me alms,
Ocean of kindness and compassion.
Hey , Mother Annapurneswari,
Who is The Goddess of Kasi,
Who is like billions of moon , sun and fire,
Whose smile is like the rays of the moon,
Whose hair has the luster of moon, sun and fire,
Who is coloured like the moon and the sun,
Who has a chain of beads and a book in her hands,
Who has a spear and rope also in her hands,
Please give me alms,
Ocean of kindness and compassion.
Hey , Mother Annapurneswari,
Who is the darling of Sankara,
Please give me alms,
Of knowledge and renunciation.,
For me forever.
My mother is Goddess Parvathy,
My father is God Maheswara,
My relations are the devotees of Shiva,
And my country is the universe.
- "Annapurna Mata 2015(A)" by Sssxccal - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 via Commons -
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Thank you for reading Annapurna Stotram in Bengali and Sanskrit.
hi Shubhodeep,
ReplyDeleteFelt really nice to see the photo of our Goddess on your site. Goddess is universal, we believe there is no 'mine' or 'yours' ......still, seeing photo of one's family puja gives joy !
Best wishes, keep up with your good work.
Thank you very much Souvik. If you have a website link please share it and I will put it in this web-page.
DeleteAppreciate your thoughts.
ReplyDeleteআমার বাংলায় অন্নপূর্ণা স্তোত্র প্রয়োজন ছিল। এখানে পেয়ে উপকৃত হলাম।